Photographer: Pavo Marinovic

Zurich-based Anouk Hilti-Zingg (1991) and Nathalie Widmer (1990) are the founders of Assarée. They partner with a blend of non- and for-profit organizations to provide the Assarée community with access to vital networks and expertise for investing in, accelerating, and inspiring social and environmental outcomes.

What motivated you to create Assarée?

A: “Recognizing that the Next Generation thinks differently and seeks more information about their investments and purchasing decisions, Assarée is committed to creating a trustworthy, purpose-driven investment ecosystem at eye level, enabling global investors to take agency on impact. Through curated experiences, we’ve built a community of like-minded individuals and companies, making investing more tangible and purposeful while inspiring our community to act upon their lever for change. I am convinced that when people are more informed, they will begin to behave in a more responsible way.”

N: “Realizing that investing shouldn’t feel so abstract and acknowledging the ‘impact of doing nothing’—meaning, not addressing where my capital flows—I decided to take control of my finances by aligning them with my values and sharing progressive opportunities with like-minded peers.”

How does Assarée impact you, and how have you shaped its journey?

A: “I think there is no better learning curve than being part of a striving start-up. If you approach the right people with the right purpose, you can actually meet with anyone. As a founder, I engage on an eye-to-eye level, even with CEOs of established companies. It’s all a team effort, and having the right people support your idea is key.”

N: “I’m driven by a deep desire to serve our planet and channel that energy to inspire others. For me, connecting through Assarée is significant because I believe purpose-driven, conscious minds can cultivate meaningful value, ultimately creating real impact.”

Describe each other in 3 words:

N: “Anouk is strategic, resourceful & fearless”

A: “Nathalie is sharp, conscientious & has an eye for design”

What is your secret pleasure?

A: “I adore all miniature forms – (check out @tanaka_tatsuya on Instagram)”

N: “The constant quest for umami and exploring the secrets of the universe”

“If you could use Assarée to make a change in the world, what would it be?”

A: “Help people understand that transparency is key when it comes to investment decisions. For example, some gold is transparently sourced, while other gold is not. Supply chain activities can either be transparent or hidden, with the latter often leading to unaccountable negative social and environmental impacts. Only by practicing #KYS (Know Your Source) can investors take ownership of the impact their investments have.”

N: “Disrupt systems that no longer suit our Zeitgeist.”

Transparency,Sharing knowledge & experiences with peers.

New Perspectives, Through a wider lens with deeper insights.

PurposeAligning purpose with a way of life.